Released by the CPA

The CPA COVID-19 Fund has been specifically set up to assist freelance crew working in the commercial production sector who find themselves in need of essentials during the Covid-19 crisis.

Priority will be given to individuals in our industry who are most in need. The un-seen (and always un-sung) hero’s who literally keep all the wheels turning on shoots ie drivers, assistants, pa’s, catering and craft crews etc.

It is important to note that this Fund is not intended to provide on-going financial support to freelancers. It exists simply to assist those who do not have the resources to look after their own basic needs whilst they cannot work. The intention is to share all contributions received by the Fund equally between as many people as possible.

The CPA has, within a couple of days, already raised over R120K. We encourage all Production Houses (members and non-members), all Crew who are in a position to do so and all Agencies and Clients who have spent time with us to donate to the fund so together we can keep our most vulnerable going during this incredibly tough time.

The fund will be administered by Bobby Amm and the CPA Executive Committee. A full reconciliation will be provided upon closure of the fund. Link to the CPA Covid-19 Fund page:

Account details for donations:

CPA Trust Account
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Rosebank
Account Number: 20 226 356 8
Reference: Your Name

We look forward to seeing you all again on the next shoot.
Stay Safe.

The CPA Executive Committee

For any question please contact:
Bobby Amm
Executive Officer
+27 82 683 0575

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