Chasing the human spirit, meet 7 Films’ new director Hayden Brown

Chasing the human spirit, meet 7 Films’ new director Hayden Brown

Hayden Brown, the fresh face at 7 Films, takes the reins as their new commercials director with a real talent for capturing the essence of the human spirit. His journey from the world of extreme sports, where he excelled as an international downhill mountain bike athlete, to his roles as a cinematographer, editor, and director, laid the foundation for the filmmaker he’s evolved into today. It’s safe to say that when you watch Hayden’s work, it’s bound to give you those good ol’ goosies.

What sets Hayden apart is his uncanny knack for anticipating movement and capturing the spirit of perseverance. He marries these skills with an empathetic storytelling approach, forming deep connections with his actors or adventure seekers which translates beautifully on screen. This unique ability didn’t go unnoticed by the powerhouse team at 7 Films who are always on the lookout for young talent. 

Founder and Director at 7 Films, Lourens van Rensburg says of Hayden, ‘One of the things that caught my eye when I first saw Hayden’s work was the energy and the dynamic movement. There are not a lot of directors that can do that successfully. It’s really refreshing to see someone shooting in such a fresh way. How we as directors and cinematographers use our tools, is the fingerprint of our work and that’s what Hayden does so successfully. Hayden makes you feel, he draws you in. I think he has the ability to tell any story, truly, but he excels when it comes to people – whether there is action involved or not his storytelling is very intimate, very honest, very real and very emotive.’

Now, moving on from shooting for the fast-paced world of mountain biking, his love of adventure, and the ability to capture nature, the outdoors and human perseverance has stayed. Hayden’s latest work for Frontrunner is a great example of that. The spot was awarded an IDIDTHAT Craft Mention in September by Kirk Gainsford, Chief Creative Officer, MullenLowe SA, who noticed Hayden’s ability to draw the viewer into the simplest of human stories.

Portrait Hayden Brown

Front Runner ‘Find Anywhere’

Front Runner ‘On the Fly’

Hayden’s Cinematography Reel

Born and raised in Howick in KwaZulu-Natal, Hayden’s family tree is laced with multiple cross-African journeys spanning generations. A native Khoisan woman, a British pioneer and a Springbok rugby player to name a few. An adventurer at heart, Hayden first began his filmmaking career as a photographer, before he found his lane as a cinematographer and editor of adventure sports.

‘Hayden has equipped himself in such a way that as a filmmaker he ticks so many boxes. He is so multitalented and has an incredible eye, something I believe you are born with. The projects he has delivered look like they have been created with a huge crew and budget when in reality he’s so used to working with small teams. He’s highly adaptable, very responsive and sensitive and empathetic to the human stories he tells and how he tells them,’ adds Lourens.

Looking for a commercials filmmaker who knows how to capture real people’s stories and their humanity while also adding his stylish cinematic flair? Send your scripts.

Wanna (s)talk some more? 7 Films on IDIDTHAT and Company Website.

Contact 7 Films

Nina van Rensburg | Executive Producer
+27 83 281 1169

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Produced by the IDIDTHAT Content Studio – Credits: Anne Hirsch (Writer) / Julie Maunder

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