Grid Worldwide reimagines musical prodigy, Karyendasoul, at Tomorrowland

Bonga Ntozini, better known as Karyendasoul, is a 27-year-old music producer and DJ who has leapt to success and is making waves in entertainment and music culture. With a passion for ambitious collaborations, Karyendasoul has partnered with Grid Worldwide and 608 to build his brand and create a legacy for music as a movement.

Inside the Agency with Grid: Out with Branding, In with Culture

Grid has become so much more than just the branding and design specialists we’ve come to know. But to fully understand their new offering we needed to find their G in Culture. We went into the agency for a one-on-one with the Big Guns; CCO Nathan Reddy and Joint CEO’s and Partners David Cohen and Adam Byars for a behind-the-scenes look.

2018-10-12T13:57:06+02:00October 12th, 2018|Categories: Editorial, Grid Editorial|Tags: , |