Blacksmith Collective – No Ideas Die Today

Blacksmith Collective – No Ideas Die Today

You know those incredible ideas that require certain expertise or skills to implement that you simply don’t have access to? Well, Blacksmith Collective is here to bring those very ideas to life. We pinned down founding partners, Diogo Mendonça and Marcus Von Geyso, to find out how they are helping your agency’s ideas regain consciousness.

Diogo and Marcus started out at ad agencies as Account Manager and Art Director respectively. Having seen so many great ideas overlooked, they were inspired to rethink the business model around creativity and build a company that would allow ideas to thrive. Thus, driven by the mantra of ‘Liberate Creativity’, Blacksmith Collective was founded in 2016.

Describing their company as a ‘production collective specialising in content creation and creative problem solvingBlacksmith now represents over 500 experts around the world (yes, there’s even Elisavietta in Russia) specialising in brand, concept, film, photography, post-production, animation & sound. By partnering with these creative minds, Blacksmith is able to adapt to unique project requirements through collaboration while upholding the integrity of the work.

Diogo Mendonça (MD), Marcus Von Geyso (ECD), Darion Pyoos (Content Creator), Nape Phasha (CD)
Joe Erasmus (Executive Producer), Irene Koukouzellis (Product Manager & Producer), Adrian Abrahams (Head of Content)

iDidTht: With pretty sweet jobs in advertising, it was a huge risk to go out and do your own thing guys. What really pushed you to go for it?

Diogo: With the current content and media demands, we felt that there was a gap, that traditional, slower organisations couldn’t fulfill. With a lot of creativity being hindered, due to time, process and available resources, we asked ourselves, ‘How could we create a platform, that caters to this?’ Naturally we already knew a lot of creatives from our personal network, thus we decided to tap into this and create a platform that filters creativity on creatives’ strengths and not just availability. This inspired us to create Blacksmith Collective, which now has a vast network of specialists that allow us to do some pretty epic work.

Marcus: We are the super power that agencies can tap into if they want to do something really unique, mind bending or at the bleeding edge of what’s possible. Instead of just saying ‘Nah that’s too complex… no one can do that… this idea won’t work’, they need to give us a call and check. Chances are we can pull it off. We want creatives to dream up the crazy ideas instead of limiting themselves due to the restrictions they think they might have.

iDidTht: What a great ethos, we love great ideas! But should agencies not be apprehensive when you walk into a room? Are you competing with them?

Diogo: Not at all. We don’t want to take over the agency’s role. For us it’s about where the idea originates from and we are well aware of the processes etc. We see ourselves as being supplementary to agencies, by giving them an agile and nimble edge, to better service their needs. Not all agencies have the internal structure for some projects that may need a team who can work quickly or who can run with a part of a campaign that requires specialised services. We use a family mentality to make ideas happen with all the partners involved on a specific project, be it agency, brand, client or creatives. It’s about the work winning so that we are all proud. This is at the heart of what we do as a collective.

iDidTht: And it’s only the two of you who work full-time at Blacksmith?

Marcus: Sort of…We actually do employ a small invaluable full-time team of five people, who run the day-to-day operations of the company.
iDidTht: Ah, those sexy faces we posted a bit further up?
Diogo: That’s them!

Having access to a network of over 500 specialists across various disciplines around the world, means that no matter how complex the job, Blacksmith probably has the solution. These guys specialise in conceptualisation, strategy, high end photography, media production, documentary filmmaking, music videos, epic drone shots, live streaming of events (they even live-streamed an event for Facebook when Oprah was here – you get 1 million views, you get 1 million views, we all get 1 million views!), graphic design, web development, camera gear innovation, TVC’s and pretty much anything in-between. They have worked closely with agencies like GRID, Ogilvy and King James, collaborated with production companies like Darling and Egg and worked on brands like ABSA, Alexander Forbes, Carling Black Label, Castle Lite, Corona, Coca-Cola, Budweiser, Facebook, DHL, FNB, MTN, Nestlé, Qatar, SHELL and Visa. Although the word is totally overused, their model really is ‘disruptive’, and as far as we’re concerned they’re creating real solutions for agencies under pressure. Just last year, out of the top ten most valuable brands in the country, six of them worked with Blacksmith – a humble two man team, armed with endless solutions.

Blacksmith Showreel

If you’ve seen some amazing content recently, chances are that Blacksmith Collective probably had a hand in its creation. But, as they claim in the fine print, their work really does speak for itself.

Blacksmith are able to service agencies by providing practical solutions to make your ideas, however impossible they may seem, come to life. They are conceptually strong and driven to push innovation. We might not be able to fit them neatly into a box, but they prefer the out-of-the-box ideas at any rate, so why not drop a mail to Diogo and Marcus and let the idea live!

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Managing Director: Diogo Mendonça

Executive Creative Director: Marcus von Geyso

Produced by the iDidTht Content Studio
Credits: Anne Hirsch (Writer) / Julie Maunder

*This content may not be reproduced or used in any part without the prior written consent of iDidTht. Reprints must credit iDidTht ( as the original publisher of this editorial piece and include a link to this site.

This Editorial is paid for by The Blacksmith Collective. Want our studio to create content that puts your agency/company/kickass ad you made in bright lights for the whole industry to see? View or editorial packages or contact and we’ll make it happen! #Boom

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