Best in Film Craft: November 2019

Best in Film Craft awarded to Director, Lebogang Rasethaba (Arcade Content) for Nike ‘Birthplace of Dreams’

November’s iDidTht Craft Awards were judged by the highly Instagrammable ECD of King James Group JHB, Graeme Jenner. Born in England (but we won’t hold that against him), Graeme moved to SA, was raised in Secunda and became a Graphic Designer in Joburg. Since then he has made his mark on the industry in countless ways, including being the Founder of King James II. An honour and a privilege to have you Graeme!


BEST IN FILM CRAFT: Nike ‘Birthplace of Dreams’
Arcade Content | Lebogang Rasethaba
(Direction Craft)


CRAFT SPECIAL MENTION: Consol Glass ‘Perfectly Made For Each Other’
Bioscope Films | Fausto Becatti
(Direction Craft)

CRAFT SPECIAL MENTION: Bonitas ‘Winning , Surviving and Family’
Darling Films | Zee Ntuli
(Direction Craft)

Egg Films | Adrian de sa Garces
(Direction Craft)

ROMANCE | MJ van Dorssen
(Direction Craft)

Judges comments by Graeme Jenner, ECD of King James Group JHB

Best in Film Craft: Nike ‘Birthplace of Dreams’ by Lebogang Rasethaba (Arcade Content) – Direction Craft
I think all we’re trying to do when we craft a film is make people feel something. Because when you feel something it stays with you, you remember it. There’s no amount of arty frames, clever cuts or pretty lighting (not to say that they aren’t to be found here) that can hide whether something is real or not. You either feel it or you don’t. And you get the feeling that Lebogang understands this very well. Nice one.

Special Mention: Consol Glass ‘Perfectly Made For Each Other’ by Fausto Becatti (Bioscope Films) – Direction Craft
Is the whole ‘Glass vs Cans’ thing the new Pepsi/Coke advertising rivalry of back in the day? I don’t really understand it, but it would seem so because this spot is amazingly produced, especially if the hype about it being created 95% in-camera is to be believed. I was intrigued and engaged and a bit mesmerised. I felt like watching it again. Not many ads warrant 2 consecutive views, which is why this gets a special mention.

Special Mention: Bonitas ‘Winning, Surviving and Family’ by Zee Ntuli (Darling Films) – Direction Craft
I saw the running boy ad on TV, which is weird because who sees ads on TV anymore? Not me generally, it must have been half time during the rugby or something, but anyway, it stood out to me. I think it’s the simplicity, the commitment to getting it in (what is seemingly) one shot and the camera being really intimate with the characters in the scene that make it feel fresh and interesting. Sometimes less is more and that’s certainly the case here.

Special Mention: MTN ‘Boss Zonke’ by Adrian de sa Garces (Egg Films) – Direction Craft
If I had to be analytical about why I think this ad is well directed, it’s because all of the reactions to the lead character need to work when you think it’s Riky and then still again after when you know it’s not. I watched it again. They do. And if I had to not be analytical, then I just think it’s funny, which is enough for me. So I shall mention it, in a special way.

Special Mention: CANSA ‘Don’t Fear The Finger’ by MJ van Dorssen (ROMANCE) – Direction Craft
MJ van Dorssen, I don’t know who you are, but I do know you’re very funny. You must be quite larney too, because someone from Romance described this ad as ‘Hitchcockian’ on Instagram. No wait, I just checked again, it actually says ‘Hitchcock-inspired’. I prefer ‘Hitchcockian’ myself, but larney nonetheless. Truth be told, everyone knows I just like a good bum joke, and that’s exactly what this is. Well done MJ van Dorssen, whoever you are.

About our Guest Judge

Born in England. Moved to South Africa. Raised in Secunda. Graphic Designed in Johannesburg. Art directed at Network BBDO. Did a bit of copywriting. Then some Creative Directing. Was there for 16 years. In 2013, founded KingJames II and is now ECD of KingJames Group Jhb. Had the pleasure of working with Chicken Licken, Metro FM and Corsa Lite for many years, recently won a few nice awards for Allan Gray and Siemens, and is very excited about a new Corona piece of work. Still doing all the things I’ve learned along the way and trying to make work that everyone else likes as much as I do.

All Craft Entries

0307 Films | Emilie Badenhorst
6lack featuring Khalid ‘Season’
(Direction Craft)

7Films | Lourens van Rensburg
Castle Milk Stout ‘Clan Beats – Sjava & Madala’
(Direction Craft)

7Films | Lourens van Rensburg
Castle Milk Stout ‘Clan Beats – Thandiswa & Zolani’
(Direction Craft)

Bioscope Films | Hylton Tannenbaum
Yoco ‘Shop The Streets’
(Direction Craft)

Darling Films | Chloe Coetsee
Hunters ‘FY20 (Director’s Cut)’
(Direction Craft)

Darling Films | Slim
Cell C ’24smr’
(Direction Craft)

Darling Films | Gale Maimane
Joko ‘#EndDomesticSilence (Director’s Cut)’
(Direction Craft)

Giant Films | Peri Vp
Vodacom ‘Break-up’
(Direction Craft)

Hungry Films | Oscar Strauss
Spur ‘No Excuses’
(Direction Craft)

Patriot Films | Anton Visser
Volkswagen ‘The Chase’
(Direction Craft)

Sketchbook Studios | Talya Galasko
(Direction Craft)

Sketchbook Studios | Ari Kruger
Klipdrift Unklipped ‘Rhino-sauris’
(Direction Craft)

Sketchbook Studios | Ari Kruger
Klipdrift Unklipped ‘Bold & Beautiful’
(Direction Craft)

they | Alan Irvin
Chicken Licken ‘Thato the Time Traveller’
(Direction Craft)

Left Post Production | Saki Bergh
Coca Cola ‘Refresh Wherevs’
(Editing Craft)

Ludus Post Productions | Michael Naidoo
Mercedes-Benz ‘Just Like You’
(Online Editing Craft)

Ludus Post Productions | Michele Wilson (Grade) & Michael Naidoo (Online)
Nadia Nakai ‘Amai Music Video’
(Grade Craft & Online Editing Craft)

Ludus Post Productions | Nick Gishen (Offline), Craig Simonetti (Grade), Michael Naidoo (Online)
Ingram’s ‘Your Skin, Your Brave’
(Offline Editing Craft, Grade Craft & Online Editing Craft)

Ludus Post Productions | Dieter van der Merwe (Offline) & Chad Naidoo (Grade)
AWOCD ‘Orient 2020 Music Video’
(Editing Craft & Grade Craft)

Left Post Production | Evy Katz
CELL C ’24 Summer’
(Editing Craft)

Crossfade Studio | Lindsay Johnson
TNT Africa / DSTV ‘Batman Day’
(Final Mix Craft)

Left Post Production | Keno Naidoo
DSTV ‘Festive’
(VFX Craft)

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