Best in Film Craft: June 2019

Best in Film Craft awarded to MTN ‘Springbok World Cup’ by Chloe Coetsee from Darling Films

Every month teams up with an industry leader to award South Africa’s best in Film Craft. This month, Claudi Potter, yes, the multiple award-winning Creative Director at Joe Public United, brings her years of judgy-mcjudgerson experience to our awards and we are in awe to say the least. Thank you Claudi and congrats to all the winners. 


BEST IN FILM CRAFT: MTN ‘Springbok World Cup’
Darling Films | Chloe Coetsee
(Direction Craft)


CRAFT SPECIAL MENTION: Volkswagen ‘Cupcake Boss’
Patriot Films | Aadil Dhalech
(Direction Craft)

CRAFT SPECIAL MENTION: Chicken Licken ‘Soul Sisters; Father and Son’
ROMANCE | Greg Gray
(Direction Craft)
Howard Audio | Adam Howard
(Original Music and Final Mix Craft)

CRAFT SPECIAL MENTION: Adidas ‘Anywhere We Go’
Egg Films | Kyle Lewis
(Direction Craft)

Judges comments by Claudi Potter, Creative Director at Joe Public United

For this month’s craft awards, I’m celebrating comedy, as most of my favourites fall into this category. We tend to be drawn to really emotive pieces of work when awarding craft, but comedy is often one of the most challenging genres to get absolutely right. Directing those subtle reactions and keeping the jokes contained is never as easy as some of these talented people make it look.

Best of Reel: MTN ‘Springbok World Cup’ by Chloe Coetsee from Darling Films – Direction Craft
A supporter ad is bound to be a cheese fest, and can easily turn into something that feels more like shared shame, than shared pride. However, Chloe managed to keep the performances real and likeable, and the track is perfect. Getting sportsmen to act like real people also deserves a nod. Love the well-considered opening sequence as well.

Special Mention: Volkswagen ‘Cupcake Boss’ by Aadil Dhalech from Patriot – Direction Craft
I love the performances of the boss and her granny, and dad’s little shrug. A well-contained story, with just the right amount of sass.

Special Mention: Chicken Licken ‘Soul Sisters; Father & Son’ by Greg Gray from ROMANCE (Direction Craft) and Adam Howard from Howard Audio (Original Music and Final Mix Craft)
The comic timing on this particular spot is really great, and I love the way the music and the performances work together – not just to get a smile from the audience, but to make us connect with this father and son in a more emotional way.

Special Mention: Adidas ‘Anywhere We Go’ by Kyle Lewis from Egg Films – Direction Craft
I love the choreography and casting. The projected titles are also beautifully considered. Visually great.

About our Guest Judge

Claudi Potter is a multiple award-winning Creative Director, at Joe Public United. She has been in the industry for close to 15 years. Claudi has judged at Cannes Lions, and at the local Loerie and Pendoring awards.

All Craft Entries

Bioscope Films | Zipho Dlangamandla
Yoco ‘Gugu’s Story’
(Direction Craft)

Bioscope Films | Zipho Dlangamandla
Yoco ‘Mokgadi’s Story’
(Direction Craft)

Bioscope Films | Zipho Dlangamandla
Yoco ‘Sheldon’s Story’
(Direction Craft)

Bioscope Films | Fausto Becatti
Carling Black Label ‘Champion Fans’
(Direction Craft)

Carbon Collective | Josh Hayman
Mediclinic ‘Patrick’
(Direction Craft)

Giant Films | Sam Coleman
Discovery Insure ‘Driver DNA’
(Direction Craft)

Gentlemen Films | Jono Hall
Stella Artois ‘Father’s Day’
(Direction Craft)

Massif | Dean Blumberg
Nutriday ‘Mantra’
(Direction Craft)

Massif | Ying-Poi De Lacy
Cadbury ‘Every Toy Has A Story’
(Direction Craft)

Motion City Films | Helen + Kim
Cape Union Mart ‘Father’s Day 2019’
(Direction Craft)

Motion City Films | Helen + Kim
Cape Union Mart ‘Father’s Day 2019’
(Direction Craft)

Motion City Films | Helen + Kim
Cape Union Mart ‘Father’s Day 2019’
(Direction Craft)

Patriot Films | Aadil Dhalech
Volkswagen ‘Coach Soccer Mom’
(Direction Craft)

ROMANCE | Greg Gray
Chicken Licken ‘Soul Sisters’
(Direction Craft)

Sketchbook Studios | Ari Kruger
Cape Town Tourism ‘The Winter Song’
(Direction Craft)

The Rudeboy Collective | Mpho Twala
SANRAL ‘World Class Infrastructure’
(Direction Craft)

Your Girlfriend | Trevor Clarence
Quilted Northern ‘Oh Deer’
(Direction Craft)

Bioscope Films | Adam Bentel
Castle Free
(Cinematography Craft)
*Please note this spot was entered for Cinematography by Bioscope Films on behalf of  Adam Bentel

Bioscope Films | Stephen Du Plessis
Castle Free
(Editing Craft)
*Please note this spot was entered for Editing by Bioscope Films on behalf of Stephen Du Plessis

Ludus Post Productions | Nick Gishen (Offline) & Michael Naidoo (Online)
Brand South Africa ‘One Africa One People’
(Offline Editing & Online Editing Craft)

Ludus Post Productions | Mark Ash (Offline), Michele Wilson (Grade), Michael Naidoo (Online)
Stella Artois ‘Father’s Day’
(Offline Editing, Online Editing & Grade Craft)

Howard Audio | Adam Howard
Chicken Licken ‘Boardroom’
(Original Music and Final Mix Craft)

Howard Audio | Adam Howard
MAQ ‘Dishwash’
(Original Music and Final Mix Craft)

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