Best in Film Craft: July 2017

Best of Reel awarded to Channel O ‘Pocket’ by SJ Myeza at 7 Films AND WCG ‘Safely Home’ by Jason Fialkov from Egg Films.

The SA Film Reel awards the very best in craft by production companies in South Africa. This month we asked Zwelakhe Zee Tshabangu, founder and Executive Creative Director of The Make Beautiful Agency to select his standouts. Congratulations to all the winners.


BEST OF REEL: Channel O ‘Pocket’
7Films | SJ Myeza (Direction Craft)

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BEST OF REEL: Western Cape Government ‘Safely Home #ItCanWait’
Egg Films | Jason Fialkov (Direction Craft)


SPECIAL MENTION: Otees ‘Bubblegum’
7Films | Lourens van Rensburg (Direction Craft)

SPECIAL MENTION: Metropolitan ‘#ISeeYou’
Egg Films | Sunu (Direction Craft)

SPECIAL MENTION: Amarula ‘Ivory Tracker’
The Upstairs Ludus (Grade and Online Only)

Judges comments by Zwelakhe Zee Tshabangu, founder and Executive Creative Director of The Make Beautiful Agency

BEST OF REEL: Western Cape Government ‘Safely Home #ItCanWaitJason’ by Jason Fiakov from Egg Films – Direction Craft

Texting and driving lead to so many unnecessary accidents and worse, deaths. Yet we continue to do it but after seeing this ad, I think we may stop ‘cause we can hardly text and walk. So, believe you me, what ever it is, it can wait. The use of “CCTV” style as that eye in the sky, always observant when we aren’t was really cool. A lot of work gets done in the Road Safety space, seldom is it humorous hence this piece stands out. Once the director lures us in, we can’t help but wait for the next scene of a human being all consumed with their smart phone. I also saw myself in the ad. Worthy winner.

BEST OF REEL: Channel O ‘Pocket’ by SJ Myeza from 7Films – Direction Craft

SJ handled this delicate piece delicately. The subject matter is a sensitive one. A part of our dark history. He welcomes us into a teenage girl’s world, full of life and promise but the end leaves you with a lump in your throat. Well done to SJ and his team. And oh, big ups on his Cannes Gold win as well…

SPECIAL MENTION: Metropolitan ‘#ISeeYou’ by Sunu from Egg Films – Direction Craft

Sunu really broke the “poor Africa” stereotype with his Gold Cannes winning Absolute Africa music video for Khuli Chana. The way he’s defined the texture of Neo-African Pop Culture is really dope. I like to call it polish grit. A well-written piece wonderfully directed with scenes that stay embedded in your mind long after you’ve seen the commercial.

SPECIAL MENTION: Otees ‘Bubblegum’ by Lourens Van Rensburg from 7Films – Direction Craft

Americans do this kind of humour very well where the product is integral to the spot and the joke in a seamless manner. This spot achieves that spot on. The performances are sharp, perhaps a bit over indulged but then again wouldn’t a tweenager over indulge in Bubble Gum flavoured cereal? Pieces like these are fragile, too much leniency on one way may actually ruin an otherwise great script but here all these are balanced. Just enough character interplay, the camera is allowed to both intrigue and entertain us. Nicely done.

SPECIAL MENTION: Ivory Tracker ‘Amarula’ by The Upstairs Ludus – Grade and Online Craft

This piece was entered for grade and I believe it is very much worth a mention. There are a few colour palettes that the Grader had to tackle. From Africa to China to America, every time I feel like I’m in those countries with some dope touches of detail, especially in the China scenes, am sure most of it was post…beautiful piece.

About Our Judge

iDidTht Guest Judge: Zwelakhe Zee Tshabangu, Executive Creative Director of The Make Beautiful Agency

Zwelakhe, better known as Zee in the ad game, is the founder and Executive Creative Director of The Make Beautiful Agency but it took a while for him to get to where he is now – 16 years to be exact. Zee began his career at Ogilvy Johannesburg as a copywriter where he created some of his most awarded and memorable work. Zee has worked across the African continent with a short stint in India too…lucky him.These days however, he keeps himself busy with his new baby, The Make Beautiful Agency where he’s been able to assemble a young team of really driven and talented individuals whose sole goal in life is to make beautiful work that works beautifully.

All Film Reel Entries

Bioscope Films | Hylton Tannenbaum
Ford ‘King Of The Jungle’
(Direction Craft)

Bioscope Films | Hylton Tannenbaum
Ford ‘Karate’
(Direction Craft)

Bomb Commercials | Tebza
Vodacom ‘Meg Your Day’
(Direction Craft)

MOI Content | Marios Nicolettis
Outsurance ‘Game of Thrones – White Walkers’
(All Categories)

Motion City Films | Helen + Kim
Stiebeuel ‘No 6’
(Direction Craft)

Hugh Davison Music | Hugh Davison
Cheas Naks ‘Urban Crunch’
(Original Music Composition)

The Upstairs Ludus
Western Cape Government ‘Boys’
(Offline Edit, Grade and Online)

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