‘A nimble bunch of over-achievers,’ it’s about time you meet LittleBig

‘A nimble bunch of over-achievers’, it’s about time you meet LittleBig

Established in 2003 LittleBig is a full-service video production and activation company that, we think, has been flying under people’s radar for far too long. It had us baffled that these guys were bringing home top international awards for South Africa over the past few years (hello Gold Cannes Lions) yet we weren’t seeing their name in the headlines. So, we made a point to get to know the team and find out more about what they do behind the scenes to get onto the main stage at Cannes.

LittleBig makes things happen. Being agile, lean and full of bloody energy, the team has worked on everything from creative content, events and activations to offering high-end live and broadcast services. Their strength lies in their agility, technical chops and creative guns.

‘We love a challenge, both creatively and technically and we will always find the right solution,’ says Founder of LittleBig, Roland Sweet. Their ability to take ideas, problem-solve and navigate the execution is a testament to Roland’s passion for the industry. He adds, ‘We care too much about our clients to make commitments we cannot keep. If something isn’t in our wheelhouse, we’ll say so. But then we’ll partner with a team that specialises in that specific skill or service. Collaboration with great partners has unlocked opportunities to grow our business network and our own team’s skills.’

Creative Content Reel

Event & Activation Reel

Live & Broadcast Reel

For over 20 years LittleBig have been conceptualising award-winning work alongside agencies and brands. They have produced corporate work with quick turn-around times with the same standards (and positivity – theirs is infectious by the way) they approach bringing mind-exploding commercial ideas to life – like making bread from leftover beer grain to feed a nation.

An example of some of the jaw-on-floor work Roland and his team can pull off is Castle Lager’s ‘Bread of the Nation’. The campaign from Ogilvy South Africa and LittleBig earned Gold in Outdoor at Cannes for Corporate Purpose and Social Responsibility. It was a mammoth task almost 4 years in the making that saw LittleBig and Ogilvy turn leftover grain from the beer-making process into bread, which they then distributed across the nation to hungry South Africans – great idea, almost impossible to execute… almost!

Castle Lager ‘Bread of the Nation’

With the help of SAB and specialised scientists, LittleBig worked hand-in-hand with Ogilvy from concept to execution. Roland says, ‘Through this whole process, we saw by-products of the Castle Lager beer brewing process be made into a nutritional bread. And so a nutritional, sustainable product was distributed to the most food-vulnerable communities in SA.’

A proud team in Cannes holding their Gold Lions. From L to R: Adrienne Pace from Ogilvy; Pete Case, CEO & Creative Chairman of Ogilvy South Africa; Vaughan Croeser, Vice President, Marketing at The South African Breweries (AbInBev); Thomas Lawrence, Marketing Manager at Castle Lager (AbInBev); and Roland Sweet, Founder of LittleBig.

Camilla Clerke, Executive Creative Director of Ogilvy says, ‘I first worked with LittleBig years ago. We brought Roland and his team at LittleBig in to start working with our Pernod Riccard client for Red Heart Rum. I liked them because they were nimble and a bunch of over-achievers. They are big believers in bringing added value to their work and they are also really kind, creative and honest players in this industry. This was one of the first instances I experienced creating content in such an agile way and Roland and his team epitomised the energy of the campaign – live with heart and take yourself out of your day-to-day to do something in the spur of the moment. It was the start of a great creative relationship.’

LittleBig is a full-service production company that takes creative projects all the way from ideation through planning, filming, post, and distribution. In the two decades they’ve been around, the team has built up an excellent network of supplier partners and greatly expanded their in-house offering. LittleBig has built a reel to be proud of, and so are we!

You will definitely recognise some of the projects that they’ve produced below.

The Art Maze x Mount Everest, Kathmandu

Corona ‘Follow The Sunset’

Bungalo – Dubia Nikki Beach Residence

Galaxy Bar

Since their first days back in 2003, LittleBig is now leaning way more toward the ‘Big’ than the ‘Little’.  They have the top awards, offices in Cape Town, Dubai and Amsterdam and a full-time team of 20 Saffas. Give Roland a shout, we can’t guarantee a Cannes Lion win, but he can commit to sharing a bottle of rosé on La Croisette perhaps. 😉

Wanna (s)talk some more? When they’re not on the stage in Cannes, LittleBig is on IDIDTHAT and their Company Website.

Contact LittleBig

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Cape Town

Head of Production: Elmaree Bohm
+27 21 462 7871


Producer: Nate Buttner
+971 52 202 8540


Exceutive Producer: Andrew Slough
+31 6 27299687

Produced by the IDIDTHAT Content Studio – Credits: Anne Hirsch (Writer) / Julie Maunder

*This content may not be reproduced or used in any part without the prior written consent of IDIDTHAT. Reprints must credit I DID ( as the original publisher of this editorial piece and include a link to this site.

This Editorial is paid for by LittleBig. Want our studio to create content that puts your agency/company/kickass ad you made in bright lights for the whole industry to see? View our editorial packages or contact and we’ll make it happen! #Boom

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